Based on its experience, the company has come to the belief that sludge landfilling is not recommended for two reasons: first, sludge stored in landfills occupy a large area, and secondly, in this method the valuable organic substances which are contained in different types of sludges are not used. On the other hand, the method of sludge burning is appropriate in cases where its useful properties cannot be used or when the sludge contains poorly oxidizing organic substances such as petroleum, cellulose a.o. For hazardous sludge there is a possibility of disposal by landfilling, where the sludge being stabilized and after that mixed with household waste or soil. Other most commonly used sludge treatment procedures are:

anaerobic digestion, a widely used and prevalent method; treatment in methane tanks, where the purpose of this method is methane production; sludge dewatering, carried out on humidifying fields, vacuum – filters, lagoons and others. Sludges are also extremely attractive in two other areas – electricity production and land revegetation.

Thanks to its long experience and close cooperation with German companies, European partners and universities, Anes-96 successfully uses biological sludge treatment, an extremely effective and cost-effective method.

At present, the company applies and performs the following activities related to sludges:

  • disposal by landfilling
  • disposal by biological treatment
  • disposal by physical - chemical treatment

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